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European Institute for Business Mediation
Europäisches Institut für Wirtschaftsmediation



EIBM´s general aim is the promotion of business mediation through the scientific exploration of mediation tools in the world of business, and through the dissemination of knowledge about and experience with mediation. The particular aim of the not-for-profit organisation is the promotion of systematic methods in the sphere of business mediation, the development of structures for the application, and the dissemination of mediation in the commercial sector and in the work place. The EIBM moreover aims at the establishment of a European network of mediators working in these fields. To this end, specific paths will be pursued in order to combine the psycho-social, cultural and legal aspects of dispute resolution. Quality assurance in the application of business mediation is paramount among the various goals of the organisation. 

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 Renaissance Penta Vienna Hotel

Vienna Info

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Arrival Lusthaus

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